Restorative Practices
Restorative practice is a way of being, it is an approach, a practice which is grounded in relationships.
Restorative Practices are ways for a school community to build relationships, problem solve and learn. In this approach, relationships are the most important way we learn about the world and ourselves.
Restorative practice is a shift in thinking, believing, and acting that is grounded in Seven Core Assumptions or “What We Believe to be True”. These Seven Core Assumptions are:
- The true self in everyone is good, wise and powerful.
- The world is profoundly interconnected.
- All human beings have a deep desire to be in a good relationship.
- All human beings have gifts and everyone is needed for what they bring.
- Everything we need to make positive change is already here.
- Human beings are holistic.
- We need practices to build habits of living from the core self.
Each of these assumptions serve as powerful reminders that the things we believe to be true shape what we see and guide how we interact in our relationships, students, staff, families and community members.
As we begin our journey, parents and community members will have opportunities to learn more about Restorative Practice. Please look for RP updates in our monthly newsletters as well as newsletters from your child's teacher.
We also welcome all parents to join our Nokomis Climate Advisory Team (NCAT), where restorative practice, along with other important issues related to building a positive climate will be our focus. We welcome your voices, participation, and partnership.